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Crown Fractionation System

The Crown Fractionation system is a combination of de-germinators, aspirators, screeners and roller mills in sequence to refine a germ and starch stream from whole corn. This system was designed to give the ethanol industry means to improve plant efficiency and provide more

profitable co-products. A typical kernel of corn can contain 2-4% oil that  can be sold in various markets.

Corn entering the plant is fed into a cleaning system where dirt and debris are removed. After cleaning the corn is sent through a tempering process. Tempering allows the corn to absorb the appropriate amount of moisture required for the fractionation process. The tempered corn is conveyed to the de-germinator. The de-germinator fractures the corn, separating the starch while maintaining the germ. The starch and germ is conveyed to a screener with two cuts and three streams. The top cut has a high percentage of germ, the middle cut has a high percentage of starch with germ, and the bottom cut is primarily starch. At this point the top and middle cuts are sent into two separate lines. Both streams will be sent through a Crown aspirator for bran separation. After the bran is removed the streams will be sent through a roller mill. The purpose of the roller mill is to fracture the remaining starch from the germ leaving the germ in tact.

After the roller mill, the streams are sent through another screener, aspirator and roller mill. These steps will be continued until the desired stream percentages have been reached. This process produces a germ that can be sold separately or sent through a Crown solvent extraction and oil refining system. It will also provide a bran stream and a clean starch stream for ethanol processing.

  • Product stream flexible dependent upon market conditions
  • Low operating cost
  • Low installed cost

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